Info DanceStars Veendam
17 November 2024
This is a Qualifier for DanceStars Championships 2024-2025.
Everyone is allowed to participate! All different ages & levels are welcome from Beginner to Advanced
Categories: Solo, Duo/Trio, Team, Freestyle
Styles: Ballet, Modern/Contemporary & Open
Levels: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
Ages: U10, U13, U15, U18, O18
Stage: ~10 x 10 m
Schedule+info: The competition is almost full. Email if you can still be added: Registration from 01-09-2024 untill 06-11-2024, 23.59 hrs unless previously full
ID Check&Music:
Tickets via Dance24:
Spectator/Dancer/Coach Day Ticket: 13,75 euro until Wednesday before the competition, after that and at the location 15 euro
**Including participation fee for the dancers for regular solo, duo, freestyle & team (Parent). Dancers/dance schools pay an extra fee of 5 euro per showcase solo & 10 euro per duo/trio.
**Spectators up to and including 4 years free entrance
Questions about competitions, registrations etc ?
+31620957180 or